Yes, it sounds ridiculous. You would think, in this day and age and especially in the UK where 1 in 100 people are said to be gay, that people would consider that times have changed. Discriminating against them in public and giving out leaflets on the matter just seems to be a very immature and disrespectful.
I think this picture conveys the message well |
I honestly cannot see the issue with homosexuals. What have they ever done to upset anyone else? They don't give out leaflets saying that their way of looking upon life is the only correct one and certainly don't suggest that death penalty is the answer to, what they think, is wrong.
Just like the woman on "My Tram Experience", expressing their views in this way could not have been more ridiculous. I understand that some may detest homosexuality because of religious beliefs, but to conclude that death penalty is the answer to something, which is clearly very widespread nowadays, seems very extreme.
Of course we are talking in general terms, so his cannot be said with all gay people - but this case is exactly the same with hetrosexuals.
The men involved claimed that doing this was the only way to eliminate homosexuality, something which they felt needed to be done to support their religious beliefs. This also seems a very extreme opinion; imagine if people suggested hetrosexuality be eliminated by death? It just seems outrageous that anyone should be given the death penalty just because of who they want to date.
This article reminds us that other people's views should be respected, even if you don't agree with them!
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