Friday, 16 March 2012

What do you think happened when you see this image?

Sight for sore eyes: Passengers on passing boats and ferries were amused when they saw a little stranded Hyundai in the ocean

The tide came in too fast? There was a tsunami? Wrong - the cause of this problem was simply operator error; the car was driven into the sea because the Sat Nav said so.

Evidently, some people seem to be lacking in a little common sense, but this is just ridiculous! I mean, surely when you drove onto the beach, you would realise there was a slight problem with the directions. And let's face it - Sat Nav's aren't exactly reliable! How many times have you become lost because the Sat Nav wasn't doing its job properly?

It was apparent at the time of the incident that the occupants of the Hyundai believed the Sat Nav would direct them to a road, but after 500 metres of attempting to continue they were brought to a halt due to the incoming tide and thick muds making the car sink into the ground.

Thanks for reading! Please answer the poll to the right(:

Japanese tourists blame satnav after being stranded in Australian mangrove swamp at high tide

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